

Proposed New Cannabis Retail Store 398 University Avenue West – Windsor, Ontario

Prepared by: Barry Horrobin, B.A., M.A., CLEP, CMM-III Director of Planning & Physical Resources – WINDSOR POLICE SERVICE

The following is a summary of observations, public safety issues that should be addressed, and recommended actions to be taken regarding the physical safety and security conditions associated with the proposed new Cannabis retail store to be located in western downtown Windsor. Information provided here is based on the universally known principles of crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) and both vehicular and pedestrian traffic impact, according to prevailing data and known experience in forecasting public safety impacts.


Situational Safety & Criminogenic Conditions

The property is situated in the city's downtown, within a largely commercial and public facility area where there are generally high amounts of both vehicular and pedestrian traffic. In general, the store's physical placement offers very good, unobstructed visual exposure to the front of the business. However, a complicating factor is that it is situated at a busy intersection, immediately across from a liquor store that experiences significant police incident response activity. This presents some anticipated public safety challenges that need to be addressed. In particular:

 The physical placement of the store property includes general building access from both University Avenue West and Church Street. It is helpful this is at a signalized intersection however pedestrian crowd control is something that could be an issue, potentially elevating the site's "congestion and loitering coefficient", a public safety challenge that will need to be carefully addressed once the store becomes operational.

 The property has a very limited sidewalk apron to safely accommodate larger crowds