That in order to avoid the need to re-budget for various items, Council APPROVE $2,229,461 in budget carryovers as detailed in Appendix C: 2019 Budget Carry-Forwards; and,

That Council APPROVE the balancing of and transfers from Capital Projects, as detailed in Appendix D: 2019 Capital Closeouts; and,

That Council APPROVE the attached Development Charges 2019 Income Statement Schedule (Appendix E); and,

That Council APPROVE the attached Development Charge Reserve Fund Statement – Listing of Credits (Appendix F); and,

That Council APPROVE the establishment of a new reserve account, titled the Flood Protection Education Program; and,

That in order to address future Social or Affordable Housing funding pressures, the City Treasurer BE AUTHORIZED at this discretion as part of the year-end process, to transfer any year end surplus occurring in the Housing Services budget and/or any reconciled year end surplus in the Windsor-Essex Community Housing Corporation’s City approved budget to the City’s Housing Reserve, to be retained and applied as may be required to fund future Social or Affordable Housing costs; and,

That Council APPROVE the following housekeeping items and various transfers to/from reserve accounts/funds:

accounts/funds: a. $13,780.09 to the Fire Education account (1755) from operating department ID 0191310;

b. $1,692.21 from the Tree Planting Reserve account (1756) to operating department ID 0152710;

c. $20,958.09 from the Municipal Elections reserve account (1762) to operating department ID 0111511;

d. $21,016.07 to the Class – Parks & Recreation reserve account (1763) from operating department ID consisting of annual 1% fee deposits less upgrades for technology development;

e. $13,426.26 from the Mapping reserve account (1771) to operating department ID 0161035;

f. $2,468.12 to the Riverfront Brick Program reserve account (1777) for relevant activities and costs incurred in the installation of bricks along the riverfront, as per CR 29/2009;

g. $24,791.56 to the Flood Protection Education Program reserve account (1799) related to a budget surplus for service line warranty commissions from operating department ID 0161049;

h. $56,984.23 from the Development Charges reserves (Funds 114-128) to operating department ID 0152710;