8.13. Melbourne Road - On-Street Parking Modification - Ward: 2

Moved by: Councillor Sleiman Seconded by: Councillor Kaschak

Decision Number: CR190/2020 ETPS 744 That the petition to modify parking signage on the 2800 block of Melbourne Road BE APPROVED; and,

That parking BE PERMITTED on Melbourne Road – Harrison Avenue to the easterly property line of 2825 Melbourne Road-South Side; and,

That the necessary changes BE MADE to the City of Windsor Parking By-law 9023. Carried. Councillor Holt voting nay.

Report Number: SCM 73/2020 & S 19/2020 Clerk’s File: ST2020

8.15. Tabling of the Draft Climate Change Adaptation, Degrees of Change - City Wide

Moved by: Councillor Sleiman Seconded by: Councillor Kaschak

Decision Number: CR192/2020 ETPS 746 CR628/2019 ETPS 725 That the DRAFT Climate Change Adaptation, Degrees of Change (Appendix A), BE RECEIVED for information. Carried.

Report Number: SCM 75/2020 & S 212/2019 Clerk’s File: EI/10822

8.16. Report No. 22 of the Community Public Art Advisory Committee - Martyr's Monument

Moved by: Councillor Sleiman Seconded by: Councillor Kaschak

Decision Number: CR193/2020 CSPS 108 That Report No. 22 of the Community Public Art Advisory Committee indicating: That the request by the Bangladesh Canada Association of Windsor-Essex to erect a “Martyrs Monument” whose significance carries the glorious history of the language movement held in Bangladesh in 1952 where people sacrificed their lives to keep their mother tongue BE