IV. That the City Solicitor BE DIRECTED to register a notice of condition #2 in the land registry office against the property.


Report Number: C 32/2020 Clerk’s File: SB2020

8.3. Application to demolish residential dwelling located at 652 Bridge Avenue, which is subject to Demolition Control By-law 131-2017 (Ward 2)

Moved by: Councillor Costante Seconded by: Councillor Francis

Decision Number: CR141/2020

I. That the Chief Building Official BE AUTHORIZED to issue a demolition permit for the residential dwelling located at 652 Bridge Avenue to facilitate redevelopment of the property; and,

II. That the Chief Building Official BE DIRECTED to require, as a condition of the demolition permit, that:

1. Redevelopment be substantially complete within two years of demolition permit issuance; and

2. If redevelopment, including construction of a new building, is not substantially complete within two years of the commencement of demolition the maximum penalty ($20,000) shall be entered on the collectors roll of the property; and

III. That the City Solicitor BE DIRECTED to register a notice of condition # 2 in the land registry office against the property. Carried.

Report Number: C 53/2020 Clerk’s File: SB2020

8.4. Appointment of Drainage Superintendent

Moved by: Councillor Costante Seconded by: Councillor Francis

Decision Number: CR142/2020 That By-law 114-2018, appointing Fahd Mikhael as Drainage Superintendent, BE RESCINDED; and further,

That M. Andrew Dowie BE APPOINTED by By-law as the Drainage Superintendent for all prescribed duties assigned under Section 93 of the Drainage Act; and,