No. Sender Subject  
7.1.3 Agriculture, Food and
Rural Affairs Appeal
Notice of public hearing to be held by the
Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Appeal Tribunal
regarding an appeal by Greg and Daphne Law of
Windsor with respect to the Cahill Drain to be held
on Thursday, May 7, 2020, 9:00 a.m., Suite 204,
2nd floor, Windsor City Hall Square West.
City Engineer
City Solicitor
Note & File
7.1.4 Town of Tecumseh Notice of the passing of a zoning by-law
amendment for area of land situated southeast of
the Tecumseh Road/Southfield Drive intersection
and 11917 Tecumseh Road by the Corporation of
the Town of Tecumseh under Section 34 of the
Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990
City Solicitor
City Planner
Note & File
7.1.5 Manager of Urban
Site Plan Approval, Sunshine Drugs Ltd. c/o Frank
Murgic, 0 Seneca St., Proposed new 3-storey
retirement home and 15 parking spaces
Note & File
7.1.6 Manager of Urban
Site Plan Approval, Abel Gebreyesus, 371
Wyandotte St. W., Combined Use –
Residential/Commercial Space
Note & File
7.1.7 Manager of Urban

Site Plan Approval, 2605385 Ontario Inc. (AIPL CDA Holdings), 1100 University Ave. W., Business office and addition to an existing building ZS/13783
Note & File