Again, it is our feeling that this showing of opposition, as shown in the petition, should carry significant weight in consideration of how this council deals with this rezoning application.

We objected to the merits and hard data, meaning the site plan that was shared. We were told that the site plan is not at the heart of rezoning issue – how can it not be? The site plan is what we object to- how can it not be important? The site plan is what is going to be built, if it is not important, does that mean the builder can put up whatever they want once the site is rezoned? What is the point of having to submit a plan, if that plan is not what is to be built?

We need to feel we are listened to and not just a token element of the discussion. All we are asking for is to have an open conversation that goes both ways, meaning we can ask questions and expect to get answers that validate why a certain decision is being made.

We are not opposed to new construction. We are opposed to having a perfectly good piece of property rezoned to fit a 4 plex in a neighbourhood that is already densely populated. This change will only add to the traffic congestion and increase density of our already very diverse neighbourhood.

I have sent written correspondence to each member of council this past week, with no response. I have reached out to the mayor about the process being used, with no response. We attended the Development and Heritage Meeting in March, we were heard and then passed over as if our opinion did not matter. None of our issues were addressed, no questions of clarification were asked. Questions we did raise were not responded to and those that were, did not make sense, eg a four plex will use the same amount of sewage water as a single-family home.