Meeting Date Motion/
CLT Member/
Executive Director
Action Status
February 24, 2020 CR99/2020
SCM 58/2020
& C 160/2019
Corporate Leader – Parks,
Recreation & Culture and
...That the International Relations Committee BE REQUESTED to review
the $25,000 commitment for the You + Me sculpture project due to the
updated information regarding the $50,000 financial commitment to this
project by the Rotary Club of Windsor-Roseland;
That the International Relations Committee RECONSIDER committing
$25,000 in the You + Me sculpture project; and further,
That, in the absence of the International Relations Committee
reconsidering a $25,000 financial commitment, the International Relations
Committee REPORT BACK to Council with their plan for the $25,000 that
was previously committed to the You + Me sculpture project.
March 2, 2020 CR112/2020 SCM 63/2020
& S 1/2020
City Engineer 1. That the report of the Community Energy Plan Administrator dated
January 3, 2020 entitled Windsor Residential Deep Energy Efficiency
Retrofit Program BE RECEIVED for information.
2. That City Council RECEIVE the attached Final Report of the Project
Working Team led by Garforth International LLC: City of Windsor
Residential Deep Energy Efficiency Retrofit Program.
3. That Administration REPORT BACK with a detailed review of corporate
risks, benefits, grant opportunities and other relevant program details for
Council’s consideration prior to the development of Windsor’s Residential
Deep Energy Efficiency Retrofit (R-DEER) Business Plan.