Outstanding Council Directives Tracking Log


Meeting Date Motion/
CLT Member/
Executive Director
Action Status
December 16, 2019 CR628/2019 SCM 441/2019
& S 212/2019
City Engineer I. That the DRAFT Climate Change Adaptation, Degrees of Change
(Appendix A), BE TABLED for public feedback until January 22, 2020; and
II. That the Supervisor, Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change
BE DIRECTED to conduct public engagement for the purpose of soliciting
public feedback on the DRAFT Climate Change Adaptation, and that a
summary of the public comments be reported back to the Environment,
Transportation and Public Safety Standing Committee in February 2020;
III. That the Supervisor, Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change
BE DIRECTED to bring the final Climate Change Adaptation Plan, Degrees
of Change, back to the Environment, Transportation and Public Safety
Standing Committee in February 2020 for approval.
January 6, 2020 CR13/2020 SCM 465/2019
& S 177/2019
City Planner That the report of the Development and Heritage Standing Committee
entitled “Walker Power Building, 325 Devonshire Road – Request for
Heritage Conservation Easement (Ward 4)” BE DEFERRED to a future
meeting of Council, as requested by the Solicitor representing The Walker
Power Building Inc., to allow for further consultation with administration
related to details of the agreement.
January 20, 2020 CR40/2020 SCM 485/2019
& S 230/2019
Chief Financial Officer That the Environment, Transportation & Public Safety Standing Committee
sitting as the Transit Windsor Board of Directors APPROVE the Transit
Master Plan – More Than Transit (the Plan) as follows:
1. That the Plan BE the roadmap for Transit Windsor from the years 2020
to 2028 to follow with annual reviews and updates; and,
2. That any 2019 operating revenue surplus to a maximum of $250,000 BE
TRANSFERRED to Capital to fund a Garage Feasibility Study in order to
implement the plan; and,
3. That the recommendations as set out by Administration for capital and
operating needs for 2020 through to 2028 BE DEFERRED to the City of
Windsor Annual Operating and Capital Budget with regards to
implementation of the plan.