Outstanding Council Directives Tracking Log


Meeting Date Motion/
CLT Member/
Executive Director
Action Status
November 18, 2019 CR543/2019 S 198/2019 Community Development
and Health Commissioner –
Corporate Leader, Social
Development and Health
...That Administration BE DIRECTED to bring the regional Community
Safety and Well-Being Plan to City Council and Essex County Council in
sufficient time to be considered prior to the Provincial government’s
deadline of January 1, 2021.
November 18, 2019 CR563/2019 SCM 387/2019 &
SCM 328/2019
City Solicitor That Report No. 20 of the Windsor BIA Advisory Committee – Lane
reduction on Wyandotte indicating:
That Administration BE REQUESTED to report back on the feasibility of
lane reduction on Wyandotte Street East from St. Luke to Lauzon Road in
light of the passing of the Active Transportation Master Plan by City
November 18, 2019 CR564/2019 SCM 388/2019 &
SCM 329/2019
Windsor Police Services That Report No. 21 of the Windsor BIA Advisory Committee – Increasing
enforcement on Wyandotte St. East from Devonshire to Lauzon indicating:
That Administration from Windsor Police Services BE REQUESTED to
report back on the feasibility of increasing enforcement on Wyandotte
Street East from Devonshire to Lauzon Road due to excessive speeding
along this corridor.
December 2, 2019 CR601/2019 SCM 417/2019
& SCM 365/2019
That Report No. 2 of the Committee of Management for Huron Lodge
That Administration BE REQUESTED to report back on the history of per
diem funding in long term care homes and the comparators relating to the
allocation of food per diems in other institutions
December 2, 2019 CR612/2019 SCM 424/2019
& S 197/2019
Executive Director, Housing
and Children’s Services
...That the Executive Director of Housing and Children’s Services will
REPORT BACK to Council should the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and
Housing have substantial changes and/or recommendations that are
directed by the Minister to be incorporated into Home, Together: Windsor
Essex 10 Year Housing and Homelessness Master Plan; and...