Outstanding Council Directives Tracking Log


Meeting Date Resolution Number Executive Director Action Status
January 8, 2018 CR20/2018 Manager Policy Gaming
Licence & By-Law
That the following notice of motion presented by Councillor Payne at the
January 8, 2018 meeting of Council, BE REFERRED to Administration to
allow for a review and REPORT BACK to Council on how this may or may
not work in the context of the City of Windsor operationally, as well as input
from the Humane Society:...
January 15, 2018 B32/2018 S 184/2017 City Forester T
THAT the report from the City Forester regarding an update on the
progress of a City-wide Tree Inventory Project, a Preventative Tree
Maintenance Program and a Urban Forest Management Plan BE
RECEIVED; and further,
HAT funding for the Preventative Tree Maintenance Program in the
estimated annual amount of $2,080,000 beginning in 2019 BE REFERRED
to future Capital budget deliberations; and,
That Administration PROVIDE information on any available subsidized
programs which may exist by investigating best practices used in other
municipalities; and that this information BE PROVIDED during the 2019
Budget deliberation process.
Will be included in Capital
Variance Report – April
March 26, 2018 CR155/2018 C 52/2018 City Engineer ...That the Purchasing Department BE AUTHORIZED to issue a Purchase
Order to Haddad, Morgan and Associates Ltd. to provide engineering
services related to the redevelopment of 6700 Raymond Ave (former
Concord School site) for an upset limit of $75,500 plus taxes; and further,
That the City Engineer or designate BE AUTHORIZED to issue the
requisite tender for the construction works required for the redevelopment
and FURTHER that once the tender results are known that a report be
submitted to City Council relative to the award of the contract and
identifying a funding source for any projected funding shortfalls that may
On hold pending
Planning’s review of tiny
houses as asked by
Councillor Gignac
April 9, 2018 CR214/2018 C 31/2018 City Planner That the report of the City Planner dated February 16, 2018 entitled
“Response to CQ24-2017 – Alley Closure between Vera Pl/Karl Pl and
Church St/Bruce Ave, Ward 3” BE REFERRED back to Administration to
provide more detailed information including statistics.
CLT Member/