Total Outstanding: 3

Payne City Engineer CQ14-2018 Asks for a report soon on the feasibility of installing a school crosswalk on Cabana Road East in the vicinity of Roseland Public School for the safety of children crossing in light of the recent widening of the street to four lanes. Type of Response Required-Written Report
ST2018 (August 27, 2018)
This CQ is still active because the report was prepared and deferred
Bortolin City Planner CQ 26-2018 Asks that Administration Planning Department) report back with potential options and timelines for potentially adding secondary suites to our downtown CIP incentive packages as a result of the recent By-Law change. Type of Response Required-Written Report
    SPL2018 (October 15, 2018)  
McKenzie City Solicitor CQ29-2018 Asks that Administration conduct a comprehensive analysis as to the potential impacts of equipping all City of Windsor First Responders including police and fire with the capacity to administer Naloxone in the field. The report should engage a wide array of stakeholders from within our Administration, the City’s First Responder sector as well as the broader community, particularly from our Public Health Authorities and individuals and organizations with expertise in addictions and mental health. The report should examine the potential benefits, as well as the risks, costs and training requirements of deploying these tools. Additionally the report should consider the authority of Council in First Responder operational matters and examine the experience of other comparable communities who have adopted the use of Naloxone amongst the full complement of their First Responders. Type of Response Required-Written Report
    MH2019 (Dec 17, 2018)