
location of any cannabis store in the municipality, for the purposes of provision of comment to AGCO in respect of any proposed location; and, III. That Authority

III. That Authority BE DELEGATED to the City Planner and Executive Director of Development Services to provide comments to the AGCO in respect of any application for a retail cannabis licence after engaging all necessary technical resources to review the application, and in accordance with the Policy Statement; and,

IV. That any responses provided to AGCO in respect of any application for a retail cannabis license BE POSTED to the City’s website in the interests of openness and transparency; and,

V. That Administration BE DIRECTED to report on the financial impacts of cannabis retail in the 2020 budget process; and further,

VI. That the City of Windsor OPPOSE the establishment of cannabis retail stores within 150 metres of an addiction treatment centre (amending bullet point 1.iii in the Draft Municipal Policy Statement). Carried.

Clerk’s File: GP/13047

Moved by: Councillor Bortolin Seconded by: Councillor Francis

Decision Number: CR534/2019 I That Council resolves that The Corporation of the City of Windsor SHALL ALLOW cannabis retail stores to be located in the municipality; and,

II. That Council ADOPTS the Policy Statement contained at Appendix “F” as a statement of the City’s guiding principles with respect to the location of any cannabis store in the municipality, for the purposes of provision of comment to AGCO in respect of any proposed location; and,

III. That in response to any future applications for a retail cannabis store licence for this term of Council, after engaging to review the application, that Administration BE REQUESTED to canvas information from all necessary technical resources, the surrounding Business Improvement Areas (BIA’s) and surrounding property owners and that the information BE BROUGHT FORWARD to City Council, at a special meeting if