Appendix F – Risk and Protective Factors

The following definitions were adopted, created and/or refined by the ministry in consultation with its community and provincial partners. They are complementary to the risk and protective factors identified in the Crime Prevention in Ontario: A Framework for Action booklet, and are also consistent with the Risk-driven Tracking Database. They are intended to guide partners involved in the community safety and well-being planning process as they identify local risks to safety and well-being and develop programs and strategies to address those risks. These risk and protective factors are commonly used by communities across the province that have implemented multi-sectoral risk intervention models.

Risk Factors

Antisocial/Problematic Behaviour (Non-criminal)

Risk Factor Definition
Antisocial/Negative Behaviour -
antisocial/negative behaviour within
the home
resides where there is a lack of consideration for others,
resulting in damage to other individuals or the community (i.e.,
obnoxious/disruptive behaviour)
Antisocial/Negative Behaviour - person
exhibiting antisocial/negative behaviour
is engaged in behaviour that lacks consideration of others,
which leads to damages to other individuals or the community
(i.e., obnoxious/disruptive behaviour)
Basic Needs - person neglecting others’
basic needs
has failed to meet the physical, nutritional or medical needs of
others under their care
Basic Needs - person unable to meet
own basic needs
cannot independently meet their own physical, nutritional or
other needs
Elder Abuse - person perpetrator of
elder abuse
has knowingly or unknowingly caused intentional or
unintentional harm upon older individuals because of their
physical, mental or situational vulnerabilities associated with
the aging process
Gambling - chronic gambling by person regular and/or excessive gambling; no harm caused
Gambling - chronic gambling causes
harm to others
regular and/or excessive gambling that causes harm to others
Gambling - chronic gambling causing
harm to self
regular and/or excessive gambling; resulting in self-harm
Housing - person transient but has
access to appropriate housing
has access to appropriate housing but is continuously moving
around to different housing arrangements (i.e., couch surfing)
Missing - person has history of being
reported to police as missing
has a history of being reported to police as missing and in the
past has been entered in the Canadian Police Information
Centre (CPIC) as a missing person