A PMF should be completed to correspond with a logic model, as follows:
- Specify the geographical location; a bounded geographical area or designated neighbourhood.
- From the Logic Model, list the identified outcomes at the immediate, intermediate and long-term level, as well as the outputs. It is important to measure both outputs and outcomes – output indicators show that planning partners are doing the activities they set out to do, and outcome indicators show that their activities and outputs are having the desired impact or benefit on the community or target group.
- Develop key performance indicators; a. Quantitative indicators – these are numeric or statistical measures that are often expressed in terms of unit of analysis (the number of, the frequency of, the percentage of, the ratio of, the variance with, etc.). b. Qualitative indicators – qualitative indicators are judgment or perception measures. For example, this could include the level of satisfaction from program participants and other feedback.
- Record the baseline data; information captured initially in order to establish the starting level of information against which to measure the achievement of the outputs or outcomes.
- Forecast the achievable targets; the "goal" used as a point of reference against which planning partners will measure and compare their actual results against.
- Research available and current data sources; third party organizations that collect and provide data for distribution. Sources of information may include project staff, other agencies/organizations, participants and their families, members of the public and the media.
- List the data collection methods; where, how and when planning partners will collect the information to document their indicators (i.e., survey, focus group).
- Indicate data collection frequency; how often the performance information will be collected.
- Identify who has responsibility; the person or persons who are responsible for providing and/or gathering the performance information and data.