 What is the risk?

 What evidence is there about the risk – what is happening now?

 What approach does the community use to address what is happening now? o Incident response or enforcement after an occurrence;

 How could all of the approaches above be used to create a comprehensive strategy to address each priority risk that:

 Where will the most work need to be done to create a comprehensive strategy to address the risk? Who will be needed to help address any existing service gaps?

Risk-driven Tracking Database

Many communities have already started implementing strategies in the four planning areas of the Framework to address their local risks. In support of the planning process, the ministry initiated the Risk-driven Tracking Database to provide a standardized means of gathering de-identified information on situations of elevated risk of harm in the community.

The Risk-driven Tracking Database is one tool that can be used by communities to collect information about local priorities (i.e., risks, vulnerable groups and protective factors) and evolving trends to help inform the community safety and well-being planning process. It is recommended that this data be used in conjunction with other local data sources from various sectors.

For additional information on the Risk-driven Tracking Database, please contact SafetyPlanning@Ontario.ca.