Risk Implication Mitigation Strategy
Organizations from various sectors do not see their role in community safety and well- being planning Risks are not being properly addressed using a collaborative, multi-sector approach Reach out to multi-sector organizations and develop clear communication materials so they are able to clearly see their role
Individuals experiencing risk will not attend or feel comfortable speaking about their experiences Information collected will not reflect those with lived experience Engage vulnerable groups through organizations that they may be involved with (e.g., senior’s groups, homeless shelters, etc.)
Outspoken individuals who do not believe in planning for community safety and well- being in attendance Opinions of everyone else in attendance may be negatively impacted Assign a strong, neutral individual who holds clout and feels comfortable taking control to lead the engagement session

Community Engagement Questions

Whether planning partners are engaging individual agencies/organizations one-on-one or through town hall meetings, they should come prepared to ask questions that will allow them to effectively communicate what they want to get across or information they want to receive. Questions asked may vary depending on the audience. For example, a neighbourhood-wide town hall session might include only a few open-ended questions that initiate a broad discussion about a range of safety and well-being concerns. A more focused community engagement session with a specific organization or sector might include questions that dive deeper into a specific risk, challenges in addressing that risk, and potential strategies to be actioned through the plan to mitigate those risks.


To ensure all required tasks are completed on time or prior to engagement, planning partners may wish to develop a work plan that clearly identifies all of the tasks that need to be completed in advance.

This may be done using a chart such as this:

Activity/Task Lead(s) Timelines
Prepare a presentation with discussion questions Kate T. (municipality) and Shannon F. (public health) Two weeks in advance of engagement session
Reach out to community organizations that work with vulnerable groups for assistance in getting them to the sessions Fionne P. (municipality) and Emily G. (education) Twelve weeks in advance of engagement session