Message from the Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services on Behalf of Cabinet


The safety and well-being of Ontarians is, and will always be, a top priority for our government.

That is why we have committed to providing our front-line police officers with the tools and resources they need to combat violence and increase public safety.

But fighting crime head-on is only one part of the equation. We also need to address the root causes of crime and complex social issues by focusing on social development, prevention and risk intervention.

Community safety and well-being cannot rest solely on the shoulders of the police. It is a shared responsibility by all members of the community and requires an integrated approach to bring municipalities, First Nations and community partners together to address a collective goal. Breaking down existing silos and encouraging multi-sectoral partnerships are essential in developing strategies, programs and services to help minimize risk factors and improve the overall well-being of our communities.

This booklet, which includes a framework and toolkit, is designed to support municipalities, First Nations and their partners including the police in this undertaking. We need to combat the cycle of crime from happening at all. We need to develop effective crime prevention methods that will improve the quality of life for all.

Our government is committed to fighting crime, victimization and violence on every front because each and every person deserves to live in a safe, secure community. On behalf of Cabinet, we are committed to supporting our local and provincial partners - to keep Ontario safe today, tomorrow and for future generations.

Honourable Sylvia Jones Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services