29) How is the ministry supporting municipalities and First Nation band councils with CSWB planning?

The ministry offers several different resources to support the CSWB planning process including booklets, resource documents, webinars and presentations, and the Risk-driven Tracking Database.


First, as part of the work to develop Ontario's modernized approach to CSWB, the ministry has developed a series of booklets to share information and better support municipalities, First Nations communities and their partners with their local CSWB efforts. Specifically, the Community Safety and Well-Being Planning Framework: A Shared Commitment in Ontario booklet consists of the CSWB Planning Framework as well as a toolkit of practical guidance documents to support communities and their partners in developing and implementing local plans. The booklet also includes resources that can guide municipalities on their engagement with vulnerable groups such as seniors, youth and Indigenous partners. This booklet can be accessed online at: mcscs.jus.gov.on.ca/english/Publications/MCSCSSSOPlanningFramework.html.

For reference, the other two booklets developed as part of the series includes:

• Crime Prevention in Ontario: A Framework for Action – this booklet sets the stage for effective crime prevention and CSWB efforts through evidence and research – mcscs.jus.gov.on.ca/sites/default/files/content/mcscs/docs/ec157730.pdf.

• Community Safety and Well-Being in Ontario: A Snapshot of Local Voices – this booklet shares learnings about CSWB challenges and promising practices from several communities across Ontario – mcscs.jus.gov.on.ca/sites/default/files/content/mcscs/docs/ec167634.pdf.

Resource Documents:

Communities can also utilize the Guidance on Information Sharing in Multi-sectoral Risk Intervention Models document (available on the ministry website mcscs.jus.gov.on.ca/english/Publications/PSDGuidanceInformationSharingMultisectoralRiskInterventionModels.html). This document was developed by the ministry and supports the CSWB Planning Framework by outlining best practices for professionals sharing information in multi-sectoral risk intervention models (e.g., Situation Tables).

In addition, the ministry recently developed two resource documents, in collaboration with the ministry's Inter-Ministerial CSWBWorking Group, which consists of representatives from nine Ontario ministries and the Federal government.

1. The first resource document outlines examples of data sources available to support the planning process. Specifically, the document highlights examples of sector-specific data that is available at the provincial, regional or local level, which can be leveraged to assist in the identification of local priority risks in the community.

2. The second resource document outlines funding opportunities that can be leveraged to support the development and implementation of local CSWB plans.

the development and implementation of local CSWB plans. For a copy of these resource documents, please contact: SafetyPlanning@ontario.ca.

Risk-driven Tracking Database:

Further, the ministry also offers the Risk-driven Tracking Database which provides a standardized means of gathering de-identified information on situations of elevated risk for communities implementing multi-sectoral risk intervention models, such as Situation Tables. It is one tool that can help