April 2020

Funding Opportunities to Support Community Safety and Well-Being (CSWB) Planning

Note: The below list includes examples of funding opportunities that could be leveraged to support the development or implementation of local CSWB plans and does not represent an exhaustive list. Please note that the timing for Call-for-Applications and the eligibility criteria for funding differ for each program.

Provincial Funding Opportunities

Ministry of the Solicitor General

• The Safer and Vital Communities (SVC) Grant is available to incorporated non-profit/community-based organizations and First Nations Band Councils to implement local CSWB projects. The theme of the program may differ for each grant cycle.

• The Proceeds of Crime - Front Line Policing (POC-FLP) Grant, reinvests assets seized by the provincial and federal governments during criminal prosecutions to support front-line policing efforts related to crime prevention and CSWB initiatives. The program is available to municipal and First Nations police services as well as the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP). The theme of the program may differ for each grant cycle.

• The Community Safety and Policing (CSP) Grant supports police services in combatting crime on a more sustainable basis and aims to keep Ontario communities safe. The program is available to police services/boards (municipal and OPP municipal contract locations) who were eligible to receive funding under certain grant programs in 2018-19. The CSP Grant offers two funding streams – one focused on local priorities and the other focused on provincial priorities. For more information on the above noted grant programs, please email: SafetyPlanning@ontario.ca

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services

• The Youth Collective Impact Program is available to local Youth Collaboratives across the province to learn about, develop, launch and implement collective impact approaches that directly improve outcomes for youth in their community. For more information, please visit: laidlawfdn.org/funding-opportunities/youth-ci

• The Youth Opportunities Fund (YOF) provides funding for community-based, positive youth development projects that improve outcomes for youth. The YOF provides funding under three streams - Youth Innovations Stream, Family Innovations Stream and Systems Innovations Stream. Eligibility criteria differ for each stream. For more information, please visit: otf.ca/yof

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

• The Community Homelessness Prevention Initiative (CHPI) provides funding to Ontario's 47 Service Managers with the aim of preventing and addressing homelessness by improving access to adequate, suitable, and affordable housing and homelessness services for people experiencing or at-risk of homelessness. For more information, please visit: mah.gov.on.ca/AssetFactory.aspx?did=15972

Ministry of the Attorney General

• The Civil Remedies Grant Program supports projects and initiatives that assist victims of unlawful activity and prevent unlawful activities that result in victimization. The program is available to certain designated entities, primarily composed of law enforcement agencies, including provincial and municipal police, the RCMP and First Nations Police Services. For more information, please email: MAG_CivilRemediesGrants@ontario.ca

Ministry of Seniors and Accessibility

• The Seniors Community Grant (SCG) program is available to non-profit community organizations, municipalities and Indigenous groups for projects that target elder abuse prevention and reducing social isolation. For more information, please email: seniorscommunitygrant@ontario.ca