Head of Council/Chief Administrative Officer/Municipal Clerk Page 2

alternative options to continue on-going planning efforts, such as through virtual engagement (e.g., webinars, teleconferences, online surveys, etc.).

At this time, the ministry would also like to provide some additional resources and remind you of existing resources to further support municipalities and municipal partners as these CSWB plans are prepared and adopted.

The ministry has recently developed two resource documents, which outline examples of data sources and funding opportunities available to support the CSWB planning process (see Appendix A and B). These resource documents were developed in the ministry’s collaboration with Inter-Ministerial Community Safety and Well-Being Working Group, which consists of representatives from nine Ontario ministries and the federal government. The documents highlight examples of sector-specific data available at the provincial, regional and local level, which can assist in the identification of local priority risks in the community, as well as funding opportunities that can be leveraged to support the development and implementation of plans.

As you may recall, in spring 2019, the ministry hosted webinar sessions on CSWB planning to assist municipalities, policing and community partners as they began the planning process. The webinars consisted of an overview of the CSWB planning requirements and provided guidance on how to develop and implement effective plans. A recording of these webinars has been made available and can be accessed through the following link: http://mcscs-erb.adobeconnect.com/p3e0qppm8g30/.

The ministry has also made updates to its Frequently Asked Questions document to provide more information and clarification regarding CSWB planning, including changes to the CSWB planning provisions that came into force as a result of recent legislation (see Appendix C).

Municipalities are encouraged to continue utilizing the Being Planning Framework: A Shared Commitment in Ontario booklet to support the planning process (see Appendix D). This booklet includes the CSWB Planning Framework as well as a toolkit of practical resource documents, including a tool on engagement, to guide municipalities, First Nations and their partners as they develop and implement their plans. The booklet is also available on the ministry’s website at: https://www.mcscs.jus.gov.on.ca/english/Publications/MCSCSSSOPlanningFramework.html.

If communities have any questions, please feel free to direct them to my ministry staff, Tiana Biordi, Community Safety Analyst, at Tiana.Biordi@ontario.ca or Steffie Anastasopoulos, Community Safety Analyst, at Steffie.Anastasopoulos@ontario.ca.