 The City Engineer has taken a number of measures to mitigate the effects of flooding and prepare for the response, should flooding occur.

Mark Winterton, City Engineer adds the following update related to high water levels:

 As a result of historical flooding in the 1970's and 1980's berming was constructed along the south side of Riverside Dr from City limits to approximately Lauzon Rd.

 Little River Channel was improved in the 1980's with a substantial dyke construction.

 With the development of East Riverside in the 1990's, a Barrier Landform was constructed to an ERCA regulated Flood elevation.

 With high water levels in 2019, the City used it's Lidar technology to map and identify and low spots vulnerable to flooding between City Limits and George Ave.

 All catch basins were mapped and staked.

 The City purchased approx. 100,000 sandbags.

 Vulnerable areas under City control such as Sandpoint Beach were sandbagged.

 The City purchased a sandbag machine capable of filling thousands of sandbags per hour.

 Gaps in the Little River Dykes were identified and filled.

 A Public sandbag depot was opened for residents on the north side of Riverside Dr.

 Contingency plans were developed for quick mobilization to identified low areas.

 The Riverside Vista Ph 1B was completed raising 1970's berm to proper ERCA level between Riverdale and Watson.

 The Sewer Master Plan scope of work was modified to consider the impact of high water levels.

 East Riverside Flood Protection Risk Assessment was completed and integrated into the Sewer Master Plan and numerous public meetings have been held.

 Surveyed the shoreline/breakwall from City limits to George to confirm Lidar information.

 Confirmed that Contractor workforce is available to assist with flooding when required.

 Additional Local 82 staff are available from the current staffing left.