Stephen Laforet, Fire Chief, Community Emergency Management Coordinator Windsor/Essex County and Mark Winterton, City Engineer

Stephen Laforet, Fire Chief, Community Emergency Management Coordinator-Windsor/Essex County and Mark Winterton, City Engineer appear before Council to provide an update related to the COVID-19 pandemic as follows:

 An update related to statistics for our community is provided.

 Local emergency was declared on Friday March 20, 2020 and the Community Control Group (CCG) escalated the City's response to Level 3; Full Activation of CCG/EOC pursuant to the City of Windsor Emergency Response Plan (ERP).

 The CCG meets daily at 0930hrs. Each meeting begins with a daily situation report followed by reports from each IMS section.

 The City continues to provide essential services through a variety of altered delivery models. Electronic services are available in some cases and the public is urged to take advantage of those where possible.

 Corporate Communications has been actively publishing media releases on a daily basis in an effort to inform the public. These communications detail service level alterations, closures of city facilities and promote key safety messages related to the pandemic.

 Emergency response services in the City remain highly operational. Windsor Fire & Rescue Services, Windsor Police Services and Essex Windsor EMS have made adjustments due to COVID-19 but continue to provide the same levels of service.

 The City is currently working with representatives from the local health sector to assist in collecting personal protective equipment donations from local businesses as well as discussing what further assistance the City can provide.

 The City has assisted in identifying possible overrun facilities for the health care sector and are ready to provide additional supports and assistance to other community partners if needed and within our abilities.

Furthermore, an update related to High Water Levels is provided by Chief Laforet as follows:

 As of March 27, Lake St Clair is 37' higher than the historic March average and 2' higher than the record monthly average for March.