Decision Number: CR126/2020 That City RECIEVE this report as information; and further,

That City Council APPROVE additional funding up to a maximum of $480,000 to complete the installation of the docks and associated electrical work at Lakeview Park Marina; and,

That City Council APPROVE the use of any funding from the pending insurance claim, which falls above the amount that was already previously identified as funding for this project; and further,

That any remaining shortfall BE FUNDED from the Lakeview Park Marina Reserve, noting the reserve may be in a deficit for a period of time. Carried.

Report Number: C 58/2020 Clerk's File: SW/13634

11.4. 2020 Property Tax Relief Measures

Moved by: Councillor Holt Seconded by: Councillor Bortolin

Decision Number: CR127/2020

That City Council APPROVE the following measures with regards to the payment of property taxes: 

 That the 3rd Instalment for the 2020 Interim Property Taxes BE CHANGED from April 15, 2020 to June 30, 2020; and,

 That all remaining pre-authorized payment withdrawals scheduled in the months of April, May and June CONTINUE TO BE TAKEN on the scheduled dates unless otherwise cancelled by the property owner; and,

 That all remaining post dated cheques for the April 15, 2020 instalment WILL BE CASHED unless otherwise cancelled by the property owner; and,

 That charges for Non-Sufficient Funds related to property tax payments BE WAIVED through the period ending June 30, 2020; and,

 That THERE BE NO late payment charges in either form, penalty and/or interest through the period ending June 30, 2020; and,

That the City Solicitor AMEND the 2020 Interim Property Tax By-law as necessary; and,

That administration REPORT BACK to Council in the first part of June to outline options related to property tax late charges and due dates for Councils consideration.
