 Since the meeting on February 28, 2020, constant communication with the Windsor Essex County Health Unit has occurred, as well as ongoing communication with each municipality via their respective CAO's and CEMC's.

 The Executive Directors of all Departments are under current direction by the CAO to review their Business Continuity Plans and update critical activities no later than March 18, 2020.

 Assessment of all future Corporate and Public events.

 The City under the direction of the Mayor and Council have suspended all City-run activities at arenas, Community Centres, museums and pools.

 At this time, City Hall remains open for business; an enhanced screening protocol has been established and has suspended all City run activities at community Centre's and pools.

 On March 16, 2020 the WECHU and Public Health authorities implemented further measures such as the closing of restaurants and bars to limit public gatherings.

 Activation of Special Accounting Codes to Track all Costs all purchases and expenditures associated with the City's response efforts to ensure that costs are captured across all City departments in a comprehensive manner.

 The City Solicitor is performing the role of Planning Section Chief and has assembled a team comprised of Legal Department and Human Resources staff to develop communications, guidance and policy for staff. 

 In an effort to ensure communication and avoid unnecessary conflict or disruption to City services, the Manager of Employee Relations has met with and will continue to meet with the head of each union to address any concerns they may have.

 Cleaning and disinfecting of City Hall and various other buildings and facilities is completed regularly.

 The City has invested in a robust, resilient and flexible IT infrastructure that enables administration to respond rapidly in case of emergencies.

 Moving forward the CCG will continue to provide regular updates, as well as recommendations for prioritizing essential services, should the situation warrant such.

To date the region has zero confirmed cases of COVID-19. The actions implemented so far, coupled with the actions of the Federal and Provincial governments have favourably positioned the City to deal with this pandemic. The priority of the current response is to limit the possibility of person-to-person spread of COVID-19.