8.10. Acceleration of Climate Change Actions in response to the Climate Change Emergency Declaration - City Wide (SCM 67/2020) (S 18/2020) Clerk's Note: The following individuals have submitted additional information (attached): Derek Coronado, Citizens Environment Alliance; Jane Mcarthur; Patricia Galvao Ferreira; James Brophy and Margaret Keith; Rita Haase; and Ali Tejani and Adrian Halpert.

8.11 Community Gardens on Municipal Property Policy Update - City Wide (SCM 70/2020) (S 210/2019)

8.12 By-Laws 25-2010 and 4921 Review (SCM 71/2020) (S 2/2020)

8.13 Melbourne Road - On-Street Parking Modification - Ward: 2 (SCM 73/2020) (S 19/2020)

(S 20/2020) Clerk’s Note: Administration submitting additional information memo (previously distributed). Also, Derek Coronado, Citizens Environment Alliance submitting attached comments as additional information.

8.14.  Climate Change Adaptation Plan, Degrees of Change- City Wide (SCM 74/2020) (S 20/2020)

8.15 Tabling of the Draft Climate Change Adaptation, Degrees of Change - City Wide (SCM 75/2020) (S 212/2019)

8.16 Report No. 22 of the Community Public Art Advisory Committee - Martyr's Monument (SCM 89/2020 (S 25/2020)

8.17 City of Windsor Lancaster Bomber FM212 Progress Report for 2019 (SCM 90/2020) (S 32/2020)

8.18. The Boer War Monument Repairs (SCM 91/2020) (S 109/2019)

8.19. 2020 Significant Municipal Event Status, Wards 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 (SCM 92/2020) (S 34/2020)

8.20.  Assumption Park - Shore Protection - Ward 2 (SCM 93/2020) (S 33/2020)

8.21.  George Avenue Park Development (SCM 94/2020) (S 31/2020)

8.22 Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments initiated by the City of Windsor to permit additional dwelling units within residential areas (City-wide) - File No. OPA 130 [OPA/5927] and Z-016/19 [ZNG/5926] (SCM 102/2020) (C 177/2019) Note: Marina Clemens, Chair of HHAC submitting the memo as Clerk’s attached additional information. Also, Terry Kennedy, resident of Ward 2 submitting the attached letter as additional information.

8.23 Zoning By-Law Amendments for 3493 to 3499 Sandwich Street; File Z-019/19 (ZNG/5960) Ward 2 (SCM 103/2020) (S 237/2019) Clerk’s Note: Terry Kennedy, resident of Ward 2 submitting the letter as attached additional information.