7.3.  CQ3-2020 - Extended Payment Terms for Drainage / Local Improvement Assessments (S 26/2020)

7.4 Response to CQ25-2019, Private Parks - City Wide (C 27/2020)

7.5 Response to CQ19-2019 Regarding A Flood Abatement By-Law (C 46/2020)


8.1 Sandwich St. Sewer Rehabilitation Project - Pre-Approval - Ward 2 (C 51/2020)

8.2 Application by the Owner of 3842 Peter Street for an exemption from Demolition Control By-law 20-2007 (Ward 2) (C 32/2020)

8.3 Application to demolish residential dwelling located at 652 Bridge Avenue, which is subject to Demolition Control By-law 131-2017 (Ward 2) (C 53/2020)

8.4 Appointment of Drainage Superintendent (C 43/2020)

8.5 Appointment of Drainage Engineer - Little River Dyke Flood Protection System - Ward 7 (C 48/2020)

8.6 Corporate Projects WFCU New Parking Lot Project - Pre-Commitment of Funds - City Wide (C 67/2020)

8.7 Extension of Interim Control By-law 78-2019 - City Wide (S 50/2020)

8.8 Waiver of penalty for any late payments pertaining to Interim Tax Bill due March, 2020- Confirm & Ratify-City Wide (C 73/2020)

8.9 Application for a Cannabis Retail Store Authorization at 1565 Wyandotte St E Confirm & Ratify--City Wide (C 74/2020)

8.10 Application for a Cannabis Retail Store Authorization at 6038 Tecumseh Rd E - Confirm & Ratify-Ward 8 (C 75/2020)

8.11 Extension of due date for the 2020 1st Quarter remittance of the Municipal Accommodation Tax (MAT) - Confirm & Ratify-City Wide (C 76/2020)

8.12 Application for a Cannabis Retail Store Authorization at 1800 Huron Church Road, Unit B - Confirm & Ratify--Ward 10 (C 77/2020)

8.13 Enhanced ACHF Funding Round in Response to COVID-19 - Confirm & Ratify-City Wide (C 78/2020)

8.14. Application for the Southwestern Ontario Development Fund Confirm & Ratify Report Ward 9 (C 79/2020) CONSENT COMMITTEE REPORTS