4.2 Two Temporary Tree Carvings

The City of Windsor Public Art Application submitted by Paul Giroux, City Forester regarding Friendship Tree Wood Carving in Jackson Park is attached as Appendix "A". Over the years the City of Windsor's Urban Forest has been under attack by various invasive pests such as Dutch Elm Disease, Chestnut Blight and the Emerald Ash Borer. This unique carving is a way to commemorate Windsor's historical and majestic trees by creating a display that profiles the positive relationship that we have with the United States. This relationship is on display through the use of the most iconic national features being the American Bald Eagle and the Canadian Beaver standing together in a handshake.

The second tree carving will consist of birds, insects, animals and flora and fauna which will be located near the Robbie Burns art piece in Jackson Park.

Moved by T. Lawrence, seconded by Councillor Morrison, That the two temporary tree carvings located in Jackson Park BE SUPPORTED. Carried. S. Montcalm voting nay.

4.3 Minutes of the Museum Subcommittee of CPAAC/Minutes of the Museum Capital Reserve Fund Committee (Facility Committee)

Moved by S. Montcalm, seconded by T. Lawrence, That the minutes of the Museum Subcommittee of CPAAC of its meetings held September 19, 2017, April 17, 2018, October 3, 2018, June 4, 2019 August 13, 2019 and October 29, 2019 BE APPROVED. Carried.

Moved by T. Lawrence, seconded by S. Montcalm, That the minutes of the Museum Capital Reserve Fund Committee of its meetings held August 11, 2017, November 22, 2017, January 23, 2018 and June 12, 2018 BE RECEIVED. Carried.

5. New Business

C. Masterson reports the streetcar project is moving forward and with Council’s approval, the city will work with the local art community on this initiative.