Meeting Minutes December 10, 2019 S. Bradt explains the best practices must address the age friendly principles. The Chair remarks the city has achieved nearly 100% curb cuts throughout the city. He also suggests consideration be given to the installation of new park benches, trees and trails.

The Chair suggests a representative from Transit Windsor be invited to attend a future meeting of SAC to discuss the terms of service delivery noted in the Transit Windsor Master Plan.

S. Bradt advises in the original Age Friendly Action Plan, there were two actions noted about providing paths into parks and to consult with seniors before redeveloping the parks. This was also reiterated at the follow-up session held by CARP a few years ago and both the outdoor recreation and the Recreation Master Plan refer to trails, trees, benches and paths and are desired by seniors. It all ties in nicely to present the trails, trees, and park benches as a best practice.

Moved by E. King, seconded by S. John, That following 2018 and 2019 best practices to be submitted to the World Health Organization to maintain the City of Windsor's Age Friendly membership and status BE ACCEPTED:

The Chair indicates perhaps one of SAC's future goals could include the building up of the Age Friendly Network and to determine if any grassroots organizations/agencies are interested in being part of the Network. 

4.4 October 1, 2019 – United Nations International Day of Elder Persons & National Seniors Day

The Chair remarks that Larry Duffield did a splendid job as Master of Ceremonies for the October 1, 2019 United Nations International Day of Elder Persons and National Seniors Day.

5. New Business

The Chair notes the 2020 SAC goals along with the survey will be discussed at the next meeting. 

6. Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held at the call of the Chair.