
Council Report: S 11/2020

Subject: Transit Windsor - Complimentary Charter Request - City Wide


To: Mayor and Members of City Council


That the Environment, Transportation and Public Safety Standing Committee, sitting as the Transit Windsor Board of Directors APPROVE or DENY the request for complimentary charter service on April 26, 2020 for an Arbor Week Earth Day event; and,

and, That City Council AUTHORIZE the cost of the charter (to an upset limit of $1,500) BE CHARGED to the Budget Stabilization Reserve Fund (BSR).

Executive Summary:



Transit Windsor has participated in the City of Windsor's Earth Day activities over the past several years. A bus is used for display purposes, providing an opportunity to showcase public transit, our new technologies and to demonstrate ancillary services such as bike racks.

A policy adopted at the September 27, 2011 meeting, Resolution/Policy T.W. 72/2011, provides that:

Complimentary charters will only be approved for environmental charters (Earth Day) and all other request for complimentary or lower cost charters will be denied. An exception to this policy is that a discount may be offered by administration for charters that are provided at the request of the City for City of Windsor business if the charter is to be paid for by that City Department and is not funded by a third party or is for profit. A further exception to allow discounts