
Together the EWSWA and City of Windsor Administration has created a "No Plastic Bags…Period!" education campaign with very straightforward messaging with the goal to support all sectors (e.g., residential, multi-residence facilities, schools) that use the curbside recycling program through the ban. The education campaign will be launched in late March with the 2020 City of Windsor calendar launch and a media kick-off event. From this point on until the June 1st, 2020 ban date, the collaborative has created a comprehensive campaign strategy to support users to be ready for the ban, as collectors will no longer collect curbside recycling that contains plastic bags after June 1st. This campaign will include promotion through events, information (e.g., 311, EWSWA and municipal administration, collectors), Annual Truckload Sale, e-newsletter giveaways, information packages, resources and media campaigns across many mediums (e.g., radio, interviews, print ads, collector truck display boards, Facebook, Twitter). To monitor the impact of the campaign, pre- and post- curbside audits will be done as well as MRF audits.

Once the June 1st, 2020 ban date arrives, EWSWA and City of Windsor Administration will use the early part of the month of June to support Windsor users who are having issues with collection to create a soft-launch support system. The EWSWA administrative staff will continue to monitor the Essex County collection issues as they currently do.

Financial Impact

There is no foreseen financial impact, as resources for 2020 were allocated to support this initiative.


That the Board receive this report as information.

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