
Council Report: C 69/2020

Subject: Application for the Southwestern Ontario Development Fund Ward 9


To: Mayor and Members of City Council


I) THAT City Council APPROVE Administration to submit an application for the Southwestern Ontario Development Fund (the "Grant") for the project identified in this report; and,

II) THAT City Council APPROVE Administration to submit an application for the Southwestern Ontario Development Fund (the "Grant") for the project identified in this report; and, THAT City Council CONFIRM their commitment to the Project submission in the amount of $4,000,000 (2020 dollars) as outlined in the Financial Matters section of this report that is consistent with the proposed phased development and that would also allow for additional site development; and,

III) THAT the funding plan BE PRESENTED and City Council APPROVE the following funding totalling $2,500,000 as the City's matching funding for the municipal services work required in this area:

a) $600,000 of the approved 2020 Sewer Surcharge funding from the Grant Matching and Mitigating Inflationary Pressures project (FIN-001-19) and;

b) $1,900,000 identified in 2024 Pay-As-You-Go funding for the Central Box EA and Road Infrastructure project (ENG-005-17) be pre-committed and directed to this project, and;

IV) THAT City Council DIRECT Administration to ensure during the 2021 Capital Budget development, funding in the amount of $1,900,000 to be allocated to the