
Council Report: C 71/2020

Subject: Enhanced ACHF Funding Round in response to COVID-19 – City Wide


To: Mayor and Members of City Council


THAT the report from the Manager of Cultural Affairs and the Cultural Development Coordinator regarding the ACHF COVID-19 Emergency Round proposal BE RECEIVED; and further,

THAT the recommendation for a one-time enhancement and immediate bring forward of the second round of ACHF funding in response to the COVID-19 crisis BE APPROVED; and further,

THAT the recommendation to increase the funding level to a total of $60,000 for onetime only utilizing an additional $16,400 from the Cultural Affairs Operating Budget BE APPROVED; and further,

THAT the recommendation to provide a one-time honorarium of $500 payable to each of the five jurors who will adjudicate the funding round, utilizing $2,500 from the Cultural Affairs Operating Budget BE APPROVED; and further,

THAT Administration BE DIRECTED to administer the round from launch to completion – including the online call for applications, online jury adjudication, and the preparation and distribution of funds to grant recipients.