Summary of Police Incident Data at 650 Division Road 

An examination of police incident response data for the block of Tecumseh Road where the store is to be located was examined with the following results noted: 

YEAR NUMBER OF POLICE CALLS: 6000 Block of Tecumseh Road East
2017 14  
2018 17  
2019 11  
2020 8 (as of March 31st)
Yearly Average 14 police calls

The nature of these incidents widely varied but more commonly included such activity as disorderly conduct, motor vehicle accidents, security alarm activations, trespassing, motor vehicle theft, break & enter, and suspicious persons & vehicles.

In recognition of this data, it will be important to ensure any police-generated activity arising from the operation of the new retail store can be properly managed to maintain public safety. 

Primary Drivers of Safety

Establishing and maintaining a suitably high level of public safety and security for a high profile commercial business such as this, inclusive of all its users, should form the basis for any decisions made hereafter that impact such. To optimize user comfort and enjoyment, and to optimize the facility's social and economic value to the community, this must be the goal. In this regard, the following drivers of safety should guide decisions that need to be considered: