 The new retail store will be amongst many other high traffic generating commercial uses, creating an environment where pedestrians will be required to navigate ongoing, interspersed vehicular traffic. This is the reality of a large commercial plaza however and it is noted the plaza is readily accessible by vehicle from either direction of Tecumseh Road and pedestrians can use the nearby signalized intersection to facilitate safe access from all directions.


Proposed new retail store is situated within a commercial plaza fronting Tecumseh Road, offering good sight lines to the front of the store but more challenging observation capability at the rear of the plaza/store


Store location is somewhat set back from the roadway with parking out front, which somewhat restricts ongoing natural surveillance of activity in and around the store

 The very nature of the business (sales of Cannabis products) warrants a high degree of target hardening security features, above what a more conventional retail business may require, in order to prevent criminal activity from germinating. This should come in the form of higher security locking hardware, high resolution CCTV recording capability, a security alarm system, robust illumination levels and clear instructional signage.