The site's physical orientation is well suited to pedestrian access. The only potential safety concern is clustering of patrons in large groups on the public sidewalk near the entrance. This could inhibit other pedestrians to safely pass by and also cause some individuals to spill over onto the adjacent roadway. A well thought out crowd control plan by the applicant is required to ensure a high level of ongoing safety of the public is maintained, inclusive of clearly demonstrating how the safety of passing pedestrians not attending the store will be established and maintained.


The safety of this particular business operation (Cannabis retail store) is greatly influnced by how customer access control is carried out. Safety in this regard will be optimized the more visually accountable such access is conducted. A situationally unique variable in this particular case is the presence of the open lot immediately to the west. This property is owned by others and the plan for it is a combination parkette space fronting Wyandotte, with a small parking lot off the back alley. The applicant will need to demonstrate their ability to ensure patrons do not loiter within this space, one intended for passive recreational enjoyment, as that would represent an undesirable outcome. Also, parking to support the store is restricted to a few parking meters and some limited street parking on nearby Lincoln and Gladstone. There are parking lots located nearby but only one (Municipal lot #14) is public and access to it will mean extra traffic in the alley. Other lots belong to private property owners and should not be relied upon for use to support patronage of the new store.

Summary of Police Incident Data at Sites Within the Immediate Area

An examination of police incident response data for the block of Wyandotte Street East where the store is to be located was examined. The data revealed the following:

YEAR NUMBER OF POLICE CALLS: 1500 Block of Wyandotte Street East
2017 13
2018 14
2019 16
2020 5 (as of March 31st)
Yearly Average 14.3 police calls