Item No. 8.8

Council Report: C 73/2020

Subject: Waiver of penalty for any late payments pertaining to Interim Tax Bill due March, 2020- Confirm & Ratify-City Wide


To: Mayor and Members of City Council


That the results of the email poll conducted by the Deputy City Clerk on March 18, 2020 approving the following recommendation BE CONFIRMED AND RATIFIED:

That Council, in light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and the rapid rate at which the situation is changing, APPROVE waiving the penalty for any late payments not received for the "Interim Tax Bill - second regular tax payment" due in March, 2020.

Executive Summary:



Section 3.7 of Procedure By-law 98-2011 provides the following:

"Telephone and/or email polls of Members of Council shall be permitted only upon authorization by the Mayor or CAO, in emergency situations requiring Council direction where time does not permit holding a special meeting of Council and/or quorum of Council cannot physically convene to consider a matter. The results of a poll must be confirmed and ratified at the next public meeting of Council".