Item No. 8.7

Council Report: S 50/2020

Subject: Extension of Interim Control By-law 78-2019 - City Wide


To: Mayor and Members of City Council


Recommendation: That Council PASS By-law -2020 being a by-law to amend Interim Control By-law 782019 to extend the period of time which Interim Control By-law 78-2019 is in effect from one year to two years from the date of the passing of Interim Control By-law 78-2019.

That the City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to provide the required notice of the passage of this by-law.

Executive Summary:



Background: As part of an ongoing process to update and modernize Zoning By-law 8600, during 2017 and 2018, Planning staff reviewed the MD1 and MD2 zoning districts. That review identified a gap in Zoning By-laws 8600 and 85-18 regarding Transport Terminals both in terms of a definition and in terms of regulations.

Section 38(1) of the Planning Act permits a municipality to pass an interim control bylaw (ICBL) that prohibits the use of land, buildings or structures for such purposes as set out in the by-law. This in effect "freezes" development that is described by the bylaw for a period not to exceed one year, or two years if the period the ICBL is in effect is extended. An ICBL is an important planning tool that allows the municipality to rethink its current land use policies by suspending development that may end up conflicting with any new policy that may be developed. However, in order to enact an ICBL, Council must direct that a review or study be undertaken with respect to the existing land use policies in question.