Item No. 8.4

Council Report: C 43/2020

Subject: Appointment of Drainage Superintendent


To: Mayor and Members of City Council


THAT By-law 114-2018, appointing Fahd Mikhael as Drainage Superintendent, BE RESCINDED; and further,

THAT M. Andrew Dowie be appointed by By-law as the Drainage Superintendent for all prescribed duties assigned under Section 93 of the Drainage Act; and,

THAT the Drainage Superintendent be delegated all responsibilities of the municipal Tile Drain Inspector position as described under Section 4 of the Tile Drainage Act; and,

THAT day-to-day responsibilities of the municipality as described in the Drainage Act, including those residing with the City Clerk and the City Treasurer, be delegated to the Drainage Superintendent.

Executive Summary:



Section 93(3) of the Drainage Act describes the roles of the Drainage Superintendent. A drainage superintendent for a municipality shall:

(a) inspect every drainage works for which the municipality is responsible and report periodically to council on the condition of those drainage works;

(b) initiate and supervise the maintenance and repair of the drainage works for which the municipality is responsible;