The By-law allows Council to attach a condition to a demolition permit requiring redevelopment to be substantially completed within a specified timeframe (i.e. must be at least two years from demolition permit issuance). If the condition is not met the City may impose a fee of up to $20,000 for each dwelling unit that is demolished and may put the fee on the tax roll of the subject property.

The subject property is located at 652 Bridge Avenue. A one storey, 102 square metre (1102 square foot), detached dwelling constructed in approximately 1924 is on the property. The parcel is 343 square metres in size (i.e. 35 feet by 105.5 feet). The property is not listed on the Municipal Heritage Register.

The proposed drawings (Appendix 3) show a larger detached dwelling, i.e. 150 square metres (1613 square feet). The proposed drawings conform to the Zoning By-law.


There is little risk associated with approval of the requested demolition. A building permit application for the new dwelling was submitted (and fees paid), however it was rejected until demolition is approved. The owner has demonstrated there is a redevelopment plan for the property and is expected to construct a new dwelling within the two-year time frame set out in the recommendations section.

If the new dwelling is not substantially complete within two years of demolition permit issuance a penalty in the amount of $20,000 will be added to the tax roll of the property.


The current assessed value of the property is $59,000 and municipal tax levy is $960.75. The assessment is anticipated to increase once the new dwelling is constructed.


Staff from the Planning, Building and Legal Department has been consulted in the preparation of this report.


The demolition of the existing residential dwelling at 652 Bridge Avenue will facilitate the construction of a slightly larger dwelling. The proposed redevelopment conforms with