Item No. 7.4

Council Report: C 27/2020

Subject: Response to CQ25-2019, Private Parks - City Wide


To: Mayor and Members of City Council


Recommendation: That City Council RECEIVE the response to CQ 25-2019 for information.

Executive Summary:



At its meeting of September 9, 2019, Council approved CR468/2019 authorizing a response to the following Council Question by Councillor Gignac:

CQ 25-2019:

"Asks Administration to prepare a report on the status/number of private park parcels on the North side of Riverside Drive with easement rights held by multiple residential property owners and how they are assessed.


There are four private parks along the north side of Riverside Drive East. With the exception of the private park in the Rendezvous Shores subdivision, most private parks were created prior to the establishment of the municipal public parks on the north side of Riverside Drive, such as Alexander Park (1935), Reaume Park/Coventry Gardens (1940) and St. Rose Park (1953). With the exception of the private park in the Rendezvous Shores subdivision, generally these private parks were established by developers of subdivisions of lands lying south of Riverside Drive in order to provide the owners of the new subdivision lots with access to the Detroit River.

The existing private parks on the north side of Riverside Drive East are as follows:

1) Rossini Park-is located on the north side of Riverside Drive East at the foot of Rossini Ave. It is described as Private Park RP 813. RP 813 was created in 1916 and