Department of Parks, Recreation and Culture

The proposed cannabis retail store 74 Chatham Street W is in excess of 150 metres from a park or recreational facility. The following parks and facilities are within a 500 metre radius of the proposed 74 Chatham Street W. location; Sen. Croll Park, Civic Esplanade, Dieppe Park and the Windsor International Aquatic and Training Centre.

Windsor Fire and Rescue Services

WFRS does not have any concerns with the location of this application.

An inspection prior to opening is required to identify the location and quantity of the product and any special hazards.

Planning & Building Department

The parcel located at 74 Chatham Street W is zoned Commercial CD3.1 which permits the proposed retail store.

Any renovations undertaken must comply with all applicable law, including Cannabis License Act, 2018 regulations, as well as the Building Code Act, 1992 and the Ontario Building Code. Applicants should consult with Development Services staff regarding necessary approvals, permits and inspections.

Risk Analysis:

Comments to the AGCO must be submitted by the municipality within 15 days. If submissions are not received within this period, they will not be considered. However, the AGCO is the provincial authority in cannabis retail licenses and the City has no recourse if the AGCO issues a license despite any objections made.

Financial Matters:

