Outstanding Council Directives Tracking Log


Meeting Date Motion/ Resolution Report Number CLT Member/ Executive Director Action Status

December 2, 2019


SCM 417/2019 & SCM 365/2019
  That Report No. 2 of the Committee of Management for Huron Lodge indicating:That Administration  BE REQUESTED to report back on the history of per diem funding in long term care homes and the comparators relating to the allocation of food per diems in other institutions  

December 2, 2019


SCM 424/2019 & S 197/2019

Executive Director, Housing and Children’s Services
...That the Executive Director of Housing and Children’s Services will  REPORT BACK to Council should the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing have substantial changes and/or recommendations that are directed by the Minister to be incorporated into Home, Together: Windsor Essex 10 Year Housing and Homelessness Master Plan; and...  

December 2, 2019


SCM 412/2019 & S 200/2019

Community Development and Health Commissioner – Corporate Leader, Social Development and Health
That this report from the Executive Director of Housing and Children’s Services regarding the Windsor Essex Child Care and Early Years Service System Plan 2020-2025  BE ACCEPTED; and,
That the Executive Director of Housing and Children’s Services  BE AUTHORIZED to submit The Windsor Essex Child Care and Early Years Service System Plan 2020-2025 to the Province of Ontario’s Ministry of Education on or before December 31, 2019 as required under the Child Care and Early Years Act; 2014 (CCEYA); and,
That the Executive Director of Housing and Children’s Services  REPORT BACK to Council should the Ministry of Education have substantial changes and/or recommendations that are directed by the Minister to be incorporated into The Windsor Essex Child Care and Early Years Service System Plan 2020-2025; and,
That the Executive Director of Housing and Children’s Services  BE AUTHORIZED to submit subsequent reports/updates on The Windsor Essex Child Care and Early Years Service System Plan 2020-2025 to the Ministry of Education if required; and further,
That Administration  REPORT BACK to the Community Services and Parks Standing Committee once further analysis is completed regarding the causal data related increase in vulnerability as reported in the Early Development Instrument (EDI) and further analysis in terms of breakdowns of EarlyON programs and usage.