Outstanding Council Directives Tracking Log


Meeting Date Motion/ Resolution Report Number CLT Member/ Executive Director Action Status

October 7, 2019

CR495/2019 Clause 6

C 162/2019

City Engineer
1 – That Council  AUTHORIZE administration to negotiate a Municipal Sewer Access Agreement between the City of Windsor and Noventa Energy Partners Ltd. for the purpose of connecting to the City’s sanitary sewer trunk line at a designated location along Riverside Drive, satisfactory in form to the City Solicitor, in technical content to the City Engineer, and in financial content to the Chief Financial Officer and City Treasurer; and...6 – That Council  DIRECT administration to report back detailing the outcome of the negotiated agreements and other related matters contained in this report.  

October 7, 2019


SCM 358/2019 & S 146/2019

Executive Director of Operations
That this report in response to CQ 12-2019 – Residential Parking Permit Policy  BE RECIEVED by Council for information; and,
That Council  RESCIND the On street Parking Permits for Agencies Policy as adopted in CR418/2004; and,
That Council  APPROVE the Agency Parking Permit Policy as proposed in Appendix “A”; and,
That Administration  BE REQUESTED to report back on options to curb the issues with permit parking including but not limited to no parking zones/limited parking/commuter lots and other solutions that administration deems may be good solutions; and,
That this information  BE FORWARDED to a future meeting of the Environment, transportation and Public Safety Standing Committee.

October 7, 2019

CR523/2019 ETPS 698

SCM 349/2019 & S 166/2019

City Engineer
Landmark Engineers Inc. and dated September 3, 2019  BE RECEIVED for information; and consideration.

I. That the report for East Riverside Flood Risk Assessment, completed by II. That implementation of measures to address the vulnerability of the existing flood protection infrastructure outlined in the East Riverside Flood Risk Assessment BE REFERRED to the 2020 budget for Council’s