Outstanding Council Directives Tracking Log


Meeting Date Motion/ Resolution Report Number CLT Member/ Executive Director Action Status

June 3, 2019


C 69/2019 & C 121/2019

City Treasurer
That Administration  BE DIRECTED to draft guidelines for the business improvement associations (BIA’s), that would outline in a clear way the reports that Council expects to receive at year-end with respect to annual expenditures, and that these guidelines be drafted  IN CONSULTATION with all the BIA’s across the city of Windsor as well as the WBIAC advisory committee; and, That Administration  UNDERTAKE a review of other BIA’s and best practices across Ontario; and further,That Administration  BE DIRECTED to develop for Council’s consideration and approval, a more robust budget template for all BIA’s so that Council has a clear understanding of BIA budgets and expenditures that are in a more transparent manner.  

July 8, 2019


C 68/2019

Chief Building Official
That a vacant building registry  NOT BE IMPLEMENTED at this time and the vacant building initiative (VBD)  BE EXTENDED to July 2020; and,
That Building Administration  CONTINUE TO REVIEW the effectiveness of the VBI program and  PROVIDE City Council costing options to maintain permanent pro-active vacant building enforcement as part of the 2020 Building Inspections budget submission; and,
That a sixth goal  BE ADDED to the 5 program goals listed in the report, specifically “To mitigate visible blight for the affected neighbourhood”; and,
That administration  BE DIRECTED to report back in 2020 for a more fulsome breakdown of statistics including types of orders issued, which were successful, which were complied with, and that the report  ALSO INCLUDE options for a vacant building registry that expressly includes the topic of access, cost recovery, identification, highest fees possible under the law and the shortest timelines.