Outstanding Council Directives Tracking Log


Meeting Date Motion/ Resolution Report Number CLT Member/ Executive Director Action Status

March 25, 2019


C 43/2019

City Clerk
That the report of the City Treasurer regarding the Mayor, Councillors andAppointees 2018 Statement of Remuneration and Expenses  BE RECEIVED for information; and further,That in a municipal election year,  NO COUNCILLOR SHALL BE PERMITTED to commit to any conferences after the date of an election in a municipal election year; and further,That Administration  BE DIRECTED to prepare a report for Council’s consideration on a process that would allow all members of Council to access conference materials and summary notes for information purposes,from those Councillors that attend conferences.  

March 25, 2019


C 41/2019

Manager of Transportation Planning
That Administration  REPORT BACK on by-law and Policy recommendations to support a partnership with one or multiple private operators to provide Bike Share Services to the City of Windsor community  

March 25, 2019


C 41/2019

Manager of Transportation Planning
That Administration  BE DIRECTED to prepare a report for Council’s consideration relative to a potential e-scooter pilot for the City of Windsor inclusive of an appropriate and legal location(s) for such a pilot project and accompanying regulations and requirements aimed at its safe operation.  
March 25, 2019 CR128/2019 C 41/2019 Manager of TransportationPlanning That Administration  BE DIRECTED to report back on funding possibilitiesfor the Bike Share Vision and Goals.  

March 25, 2019


SCM 76/2019 & S 24/2019

City Solicitor
That the report of the Emergency Planning Officer dated November 9, 2018 entitled CQ-35-2017 Enhancing Response to Vulnerable Populations during Emergencies  BE RECEIVED for information; and further,That Administration  BE DIRECTED to prepare a report for Council’s consideration on options on a go-forward basis in terms of socially vulnerable populations for communication purposes as communications with this group can be difficult due to limited mass media use.