Outstanding Council Directives Tracking Log


Meeting Date Motion/ Resolution Report Number CLT Member/ Executive Director Action Status

August 27, 2018


C 148/2018

City Planner
That the Walkerville area  BE SELECTED as a pilot project area for the Districting Initiative and generally bounded on the north by the Detroit River, on the south by Niagara Street, on the east by Walker Road, and to the west by Gladstone Avenue.
That a design and costing consultant at a cost not to exceed $100,000.00 (plus HST)  BE RETAINED for purposes of performing a higher level design analysis/value engineering and market costing so that the most accurate budget estimates can be obtained and further approved by Council prior to project selection/execution; and further,
That the cost of the design and costing consultant  BE FUNDED from the 2018 Enhanced Budget for District Theming previously approved for spending by Council via CR123/2018; and,
That a future Council Report  BE PREPARED by the City Planner recommending and describing the specific Walkerville Districting projects to be completed with estimated budgets and timelines for completion.

September 17, 2018

CR503/2018 ETPS 630

SCM 332/2018 & C 122/2018

Manager, Parks Development
That the report of the Manager Parks Development, dated July 20, 2018, responding to CQ27-2017 regarding first responders signage for parks,  BE RECEIVED for information; and,
That City Council  BE ADVISED that Administration will return to Council in January 2019 to request the approval to proceed with this project and release the 2023 funding allocated as part of the 2018 Enhanced Budget, and further,
That Administration  BE DIRECTED to develop a wayfinding standards policy based on the results of the Little River Corridor wayfinding signage and markers, as a pilot project, to be brought to City Council for approval.