Meeting Date Motion/ Resolution Report Number CLT Member/ Executive Director Action Status

January 8, 2018

Manager Policy Gaming Licence & By-Law
That the following notice of motion presented by Councillor Payne at the January 8, 2018 meeting of Council,  BE REFERRED to Administration to allow for a review and  REPORT BACK to Council on how this may or may not work in the context of the City of Windsor operationally, as well as input from the Humane Society:...  

January 15, 2018


S 184/2017

City Forester
THAT the report from the City Forester regarding an update on the progress of a City-wide Tree Inventory Project, a Preventative Tree Maintenance Program and a Urban Forest Management Plan  BE RECEIVED; and further,
THAT funding for the Preventative Tree Maintenance Program in the estimated annual amount of $2,080,000 beginning in 2019  BE REFERRED to future Capital budget deliberations; and,
That Administration  PROVIDE information on any available subsidized programs which may exist by investigating best practices used in other municipalities; and that this information  BE PROVIDED during the 2019 Budget deliberation process.

Will be included in Capital Variance Report – April 2020

January 15, 2018


Reference #183

Manager Policy Gaming Licence & By-Law
That with regards to the “Reduction of Cat Voucher Program” (Budget Issue #2018-0333, that $20,000  BE APPROVED as opposed to the recommended $30,000; and,
That Administration  REPORT BACK to Council should the $20,000.00 allotment be expended and there is still interest in obtaining cat vouchers.