
Outstanding Council Directives Tracking Log

Meeting Date Motion/ Resolution Report Number CLT Member/ Executive Director Action Status

September 19, 2016


C 176/2016

Chief Administrative Officer
THAT City Council  APPROVE the allocation of $400,000 for the design, creation, installation and unveiling of a commemorative statue to honour the life and work of Hiram Walker; and,
THAT City Council  APPROVE that $390,000  BE FUNDED from the 2014 Enhanced Capital Budget Contingency Placeholder for this project with the remaining $10,000 to  BE FUNDED from Councillor Holt’s 2016 ward funds; and,
THAT City Council  APPROVE the sole source retention of artist Mark Williams for the creation, fabrication and installation of a statue/sculpture depicting Hiram Walker and  DIRECT administration to prepare an agreement to retain the services of Mr. Williams accordingly; and,
THAT the CAO and City Clerk  BE AUTHORIZED to take any other steps as may be required to bring effect to these resolutions, satisfactory in form to the City Solicitor, in financial content to the City Treasurer, and in technical content to the City Engineer; and,
THAT the CAO and City Clerk  BE AUTHORIZED to sign any required documentation as it relates to this project, satisfactory in legal form to the City Solicitor, in technical content to the City Engineer, and in financial content to the City Treasurer; and further,
THAT administration  REPORT BACK on fundraising efforts towards this project within six months.

CAO 4032 - To be completed 2020

November 21, 2016


CM 63/2016

City Planner
THAT the report of the City Planner dated November 4, 2016 entitled“CQ34-2014 – Progressive Options for Compact & Walkable Communities”BE RECEIVED for information; and further,
That the City Planner  BE DIRECTED to prepare a report on what is required to do a study similar to the 2005 Halifax report, based upon the City of Windsor.