Total Outstanding: 22

Bortolin Corp. Leader, Parks, Rec, Culture & Facilities CQ4-2019 Asks that administration consider options to streamline the process to help with street closures looking at all options including efficiencies that can lead to lowering administrative time and costs while still allowing timely processing of applications. Please consider fees in the schedule as well as barricade rentals and Fire Department fees. Type of Response Required-Written Report
    ST2019 (February 25, 2019)  
Costante City Engineer CQ5-2019 Asks that administration report back on implementing red light cameras and photo radars, including what other municipalities have these installed, pros and cons of implementation and costs of implementation.
ST2019 (February 25, 2019)
Type of Response Required-Written Report CR574/2019 Additional information requested
McKenzie Chief Administrative Officer CQ 7-2019 Asks that in light of the recent announcement from FCA to eliminate the third shift at the Windsor Assembly Plant and understanding the gravity of the economic impact to our community where as many as 10,000 jobs may be lost or affected, that Administration develop a proposal for Council’s review that could incent FCA to consider the possibility of introducing a new product into the Windsor Assembly Plant Facility. In doing so Administration should consider how existing City of Windsor economic development programs could be applied or amended to create a proposal that can help to protect the jobs now at risk both at the Windsor Assembly Plant and across the community generally. Type of Response Required-Written Report
    SPL/10759 (April 15, 2019)  
Kusmierczyk City Clerk CQ 8-2019 Asks that administration report back on what other municipalities have done to update the pet shops section of the Animal Control By-Law; including banning of the sale of pets for profit, and provide recommendations moving forward. Type of Response Required-Written Report
    MHS/9496 (May 6, 2019)