Minutes City Council Monday, February 24, 2020

2. That the City Solicitor BE DIRECTED to prepare the necessary documents to amend the by law.

3. That Windsor Police Services BE ADVISED of these by law amendments for enforcement as resources allow.

4. That, in addition to the upcoming report on scooter/bikeshare programs and licensing, Administration BE DIRECTED to report back to Council within 12 months with a follow-up report on e-scooter experience to date, along with recommended changes to e-scooter rules and policies.

5. That Administration BE DIRECTED to conduct a trial period whereby e-scooters will be permitted on the Riverfront Trail paved path; and that the Parks Bylaw 200-2002 BE AMENDED accordingly; and, that the City Solicitor BE DIRECTED to prepare the necessary documents to amend the by law.

6. That collapsible e-scooters BE PERMITTED on Transit Windsor buses. Carried. Councillor Ginac voting nay.

Report Number: SCM 35/2020, S 236/2019 & C 13/2020 Clerk's File: SW/13715 

8.10. Report No. 10 of the Housing & Homelessness Advisory Committee Establish subcommittee to support activities to lead to the implementation of the 10 Year Housing & Homelessness Master Plan

Terry Kennedy, Resident of Ward 2

Terry Kennedy, resident of Ward 2, appears before Council to provide comment regarding the recommendation to establish a subcommittee to support activities to lead to the implementation of the 10-Year Housing & Homelessness Master Plan, suggesting that it is crucial for the public be involved in the process.

Moved by: Councillor Gignac Seconded by: Councillor Costante

Decision Number: CR84/2020 That Report No. 10 of the Housing & Homelessness Advisory Committee – "Establish a subcommittee to support activities to lead to the implementation of the 10 Year Housing & Homelessness Master Plan" BE REFERRED back to the Housing & Homelessness Advisory Committee so that the Committee members can review and potentially amend the recommendation in light of the additional information provided by Administration dated January 30, 2020. Carried.

Report Number: SCM 43/2020 & SCM 445/2019 Clerk's File: MB2020